Кыргызстанда сизге керектүү нерселердин баары бар комплекстүү онлайн казино жана спорттук букмекерлик платформа издеп жатасызбы? Ар кандай табитке ылайыктуу оюндардын жана букмекердик варианттардын кеңири спектрин сунуш кылган идеалдуу букмекердик контора Мостбетти карабаңыз. Ыңгайлуу Mostbet мобилдик тиркемеси менен сиз өз үйүңүздө отуруп эле казинолордун бардык кумар оюндарын жана спорттук мелдештерди ойной аласыз.

About us

The company "QAZAQ STEPPE SHEEP" LLP was established on September 1, 2018 to carry out activities in animal husbandry with the aim of implementing the project "Creation of a mega-farm for development of distant-pasture livestock breeding with a sheep population of at least 500,000 heads and construction of a meat processing plant for processing small ruminants up to 8,000 tons a year in the Karaganda oblast".

The project provides for a phased (vertical) implementation model. A raw material base is required to launch a meat processing plant (phase 2). In this regard, at stage 1, it is planned to create a mega-farm for development of distant-pasture livestock breeding with a sheep population of at least 500,000 heards (hereinafter referred to as a mega-farm) in the Karaganda oblast. Sheep and muttons will be imported within 5 years, according to the planned purchase of livestock.

The qualifications of the main and leading specialists of the enterprise as potential participants in the project will be confirmed by data on education and work experience in the specialty. The qualified management personnel will be able to implement the project in a high-quality manner and within the time frame established by the business plan (hereinafter - BP).

For implementation of the 1st phase of the project, the Akimat of the Karaganda oblast provided grasslands.
Traditional cattle breeding does not require large fixed facilities other than a wintering building. The project will involve relocation of ethnic Kazakhs from Mongolia who are engaged in cattle breeding and have experience.

In order to increase pasture performance and improve grass formation, pasture rotations will be organized on pastures with a system of pasture use and care, aimed at increasing pastures' productivity by successive alternation of grazing, rest and haying over the years. Scientific institutes, including the Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin will be involved in the study of full-fledged forage units in grassland vegetation of pastures and organization of pasture rotation.