Кыргызстанда сизге керектүү нерселердин баары бар комплекстүү онлайн казино жана спорттук букмекерлик платформа издеп жатасызбы? Ар кандай табитке ылайыктуу оюндардын жана букмекердик варианттардын кеңири спектрин сунуш кылган идеалдуу букмекердик контора Мостбетти карабаңыз. Ыңгайлуу Mostbet мобилдик тиркемеси менен сиз өз үйүңүздө отуруп эле казинолордун бардык кумар оюндарын жана спорттук мелдештерди ойной аласыз.


Become the first world leader in innovative small ruminant farming through traditional pasture cattle breeding. We work for the growth of the Company and prosperity of our country.

Goals and objectives of the Strategy:
- sustainable development of the Company;
- increasing competitiveness of meat and meat products (mutton) of Kazakhstan production in world markets;
- stimulating export potential of Kazakhstan.
Achievement of this goal is based on an integrated and innovative approach to development of the Company and provides for solution of the following main tasks:
- increase of the company's investment potential, creation, construction, modernization, development of new resource-saving and knowledge-intensive technologies for production and processing of raw meat, environmentally safe disposal of livestock waste, as well as qualitative improvement of the feed base;
- ensuring well-being of the Megafarm territory for especially dangerous animal diseases;
- attracting and training qualified workers and young professionals based on improving their social conditions in rural areas.

The company strives to:
- efficiently use productive potential of agriculture: land, water, labor and intellectual resources;
- ensure food safety in accordance with international standards;
- increase agricultural employment in rural areas and increase the income of the rural population;
- improve sectoral structure of agriculture and stimulate production of products with added value;
- protection of environment and natural landscapes, development of organic agriculture.